Gichigami: Lake Superior is the largest of
the Great Lakes and has more surface area than any freshwater lake in the
world. Lake Superior is so large it could hold the water from all of the
other Great Lakes, along with three more Lake Eries. With an average depth
approaching 500 feet, Superior also is the coldest and deepest of the Great
Lakes and is the reason why its fish have high levels of omega 3 oil.
Today's Lake Superior Fishery - healthy,
sustainable, and scientifically managed: Today's Lake Superior commercial
fishery is strictly regulated and scientifically managed by Tribal, state,
federal, and Canadian governments who employ professional fisheries
biologists. Today's science and a brave tradition of battling extreme weather
ensure Lake Superior fishermen will continue to bring you the freshest fish
from the biggest lake.
"the whitefish is most esteemed for the richness and delicacy of its flavour, and there is a universal acquiescence in the opinion formerly advanced by Charlevoix, 'that whether fresh or salted, nothing of the fish kind can excel it'" Henry Schoolcraft 1820