US Fish & Wildlife Gray Wolf Finding and National Dialogue
February 2, 2024
ODANAH, Wis. -The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) is aware of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's (USFWS) gray wolf Status Assessment, findings, and proposal released earlier today that maintain current protections for ma'iingan under the Endangered Species Act.
The Status Assessment and 12-month findings focus specifically on the gray wolf in the Northern Rocky Mountains (NRM) and Western United States. These reports prescribe a "not warranted" finding for the petitions to list wolves under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the NRM and Western U.S., essentially recommending delisting the gray wolf in that region. This finding does not include any information or recommendations related to listing in other parts of the United States, and it does not change the legal status of gray wolves in any part of the nation.
The Service also provided its next steps in this announcement, which include a national dialogue as well as the development of a nationwide gray wolf recovery plan to be completed by December 12, 2025.
Gray wolves remain protected under the ESA across the Great Lakes region at this time. While GLFWC is relieved by the news that malingan (wolf) remains under federal protection, we are also aware that this status is not permanent and threats to our relative remain. GLIFWC staff will continue to focus energy and action towards the goal of protecting ma'lingan.