Stationed across Ceded Territory, our Enforcement Division is responsible for supporting and overseeing off-reservation harvest through youth engagement, broad education, and enforcing regulations.
DUTY STATION(S): Ashland, WI, Crandon, WI, Danbury, WI, Park Falls, WI, Baraga, MI, Brimley, MI, Hinckley, MN.
SALARY: Starting Salary range: $50,309 - $51,789, depending on qualifications.
(Note: Position has been classified as 50% tax exempt for qualified tribal members under Internal Revenue Code § 7873- Tax Exemption for Income Derived from Treaty Fishing Rights-Related Activities. See current benefit information (PDF). Qualified applicants may be sponsored by GLIFWC for Wisconsin's 720-hour training academy.)
Conservation Warden Job Qualifications and Application Procedure PDF
GLIFWC Special Enforcement Application (.docx)
GLIFWC conservation wardens will earn their First Aid, CPR, AED & instructor certifications to teach hunters, ATV, boating and snowmobile safety classes. Wardens participate in annual ice rescue, firearms, defense and arrest tactics, and emergency vehicle operations training. Physical fitness tests are performed bi-annually.
Spring Creel Work