This is a summary of open water hook and line regulations in the 1837 and 1842 Ceded Territories of Wisconsin and Minnesota. This does not summarize all the regulations that may apply. If you have questions, contact your tribal conservation department or GLIFWC.
Open water fishing means all fishing other than fishing through an artificial hole in the ice. Hook and line means a rod and reel or similar device including a tip up and handheld lines and includes trolling.
Regulations: No more than six (6) lines with a maximum of two (2) hooks or lures per line may be used. Lines may not be left unattended, except when regulated as setlines and set or bank poles.
Permits: A general fishing permit, which is typically your tribal ID, is all that is necessary for open-water hook and line fishing and can be picked up at your tribal conservation department or headquarters.
Live Bait: The following species may not be used as live bait: carp, goldfish, redhorse, freshwater drum, burbot, bowfin, garfish, buffalo fish, lamprey, alewife, gizzard shad, smelt, goldeye, mooneye, carpsucker, quillback, or crayfish.
Possession Limit: The possession limit for hook and line caught fish is double the daily bag limit. See the "Wisconsin Seasons, Methods, Bag and Size Limits" table below.
Fish Refuges: Tribal fish refuges can be found in the "Tribal Fish Refuges" document below.
Regulations: No more than six (6) lines with a maximum of two (2) hooks or lures per line may be used. Lines may not be left unattended for a period of more than one hour, except when regulated as setlines and set or bank poles.
Permits: A general fishing permit, which is typically your tribal ID, is all that is necessary for open-water hook and line fishing and can be picked up at your tribal conservation department or headquarters.
Live Bait: The following species may not be used as live bait: carp, goldfish, redhorse, freshwater drum, burbot, bowfin, garfish, buffalo fish, lamprey, alewife, gizzard shad, smelt, goldeye, mooneye, carpsucker, quillback, ruffe, or crayfish. Minnows or other bait fish may not be released on any waters or shores.
Possession Limit: The possession limit for hook and line caught fish is double the daily bag limit. See the "Minnesota Seasons, Methods, Bag and Size Limits" table below.
Special Use Areas: No member shall fish in special use areas that are designated as closed to fishing.
A member may use no more than twenty (20) set or bank poles and one (1) setline in no more than three (3) waterbodies at a time. Setlines must be marked and each setline and set or bank pole must have an identification tag attached to it. Setlines and set or bank poles may not have stainless steel hooks. Set or bank poles may not have more than one (1) line which cannot have more than two (2) hooks. A setline may not have more than ten (10) hooks. Each setline and set or bank pole must be lifted and the catch removed at least once each day. Setlines and set or bank poles may only be set, attended, or lifted from one hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.
Members may not possess any other fish harvesting devices while setting, lifting or attending setlines and set or bank poles, except in Wisconsin a member may possess a setline or bank pole while lawfully setting fyke nets or gillnets.