Prior to GLIFWC, Kathy spent six years with the KBIC Natural Resources Department as a habitat specialist working on native plant and wild rice restoration, invasive species management and youth initiatives. Prior to returning to the Anishinaabeg homelands, she had a 16-year stint with the Bureau of land Management as a fire engine captain with the California Desert District in Southern California.
Smith was born in Red Lake, Minnesota, Ma’iingan indoodem. She earned her AS degree in Environmental Science at the Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, where she currently serves on the Board of Regents as secretary.
A member of the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge, Wasanodaekwe incorporates culture and teachings from her midé family and traditional knowledge holders in her everyday work. She lives with her 13-year-old twin boys Caleb and Jacob, teaching them hunting, fishing, and gathering. As an Anishinaabekwe water walker, she facilitates two annual water walks, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Annual Water Walk and the People of the Heart Water Walk. She gives a voice to those that cannot speak.