Ganawenindiwag Working with plant relatives to heal and protect Gichigami shorelines

Price: $0.00

Ganawenindiwag (they take care of each other) empowers users to grow, promote, and use plants adapted to coastal areas of Gichigami (Lake Superior) to heal and protect shorelines which may have experienced erosion from storms and changing water levels. Focused on the Wisconsin coast, Ganawenindiwag is designed for use by coastal land caretakers, homeowners, resource stewards, and anyone who interacts with shorelines of Gichigami and its connecting waterways. 

Ganawenindiwag helps users make coordinated and informed plant selections for vulnerable coastal environments while inviting readers to see the cultural relationships between people and plants that have long existed in this landscape. Readers of Ganawenindiwag will be introduced to 97 plant beings with photos and iconography sharing known cultural relationships, as well as text that describes environmental preferences and bank stabilization potential. The resource is infused with a rich narrative that highlights Ojibwe land stewardship and includes tips on planning and caring for shoreline planting projects. 


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