72682 Maple Street
Odanah, WI 54861
United States

2025 Manoomin Calendar
Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).
Starting at $0.50

Growing Up Ojibwe
Growing Up Ojibwe is the story of a young boy who introduces the reader to the fascinating culture…
Starting at $2.00

Ikwewag Oganawendaanaawaa Manoomin
Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).
Starting at $2.50

Manoomin coloring page
Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).
Starting at $0.00

Mazina'igan (Takling Paper) is a quarterly publication talking about treaty issues, treaty resource…
Starting at $0.00

Plants Used by the Great Lakes Ojibwa
This book includes a brief description of the plant and its use, a reproduced line drawing, and a…
Starting at $22.00

Aanji-bimaadiziimagak o'ow aki Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Version 2
Aanji bimaadiziimagak o’ow aki, the second version of the GLIFWC Vulnerability Assessment, is an…
Starting at $0.00

2023 poster coloring page
Starting at $0.00
A Guide to Understanding Ojibwe Treaty Rights
This guide contains pertinent treaties, discusses the nature of treaty rights, provides historical…
Starting at $3.00

Affirming and Implementing Treaty-Reserved Rights in the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes
This report describes some of the Great Lakes and Pacific Northwest treaty tribes’ natural…
Starting at $0.00

Aginjibagwesi | Stories of the Flyers: A Giiwedinong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Anishinaabe Coloring & Activity Book
Anishinaabe people have lived in the upper Great Lakes region for hundreds of years. They live in…
Starting at $0.00

Anishinaabe Style Beaded Medallion
Starting at $0.00

Asemaa | Stories of the Plants: A Zhaawanong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Bagwaji-Zhigaagawaanzhiig | Stories of the Plants: A Zhaawanong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Bandolier Bag
Each natural-colored bag is made from 100% recycled cotton and features an Ojibwe woodland floral…
Starting at $2.50

Biboon language bundle
The storybook tells about Nigig and his journey to spear fish in the winter. Along the way, he…
Starting at $4.00

Biboon Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (storybook)
The storybook tells about Nigig's journey to spear fish in the winter. Along the way, he meets…
Starting at $2.00

Biboon Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (teacher/parent)
The Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak activity workbook was developed as a monolingual Biboong (…
Starting at $2.00

Biboon Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (workbook)
Directed at children in grades K-5, the workbook includes coloring pages, word search, crossword…
Starting at $1.50

Botulism: Reducing the risk of deadly bacteria when canning and vacuum sealing foods
Preserving traditional foods to eat and share later in the year is one of the hallmark activities…
Starting at $0.00

Casting Light Upon the Waters: A Joint Fishery Assessment of the Wisconsin Ceded Territory
This report provides an objective statement about the rights reserved by the Ojibwe Indians, the…
Starting at $0.00
Celebrating 20 Years of Implementing Tribal Treaty Rights: Past, Present, and Future
20th Anniversary of the Memorandum of Understanding regarding Tribal-USDA Forest Service Relations…
Starting at $0.00

Dagwaagin language bundle
Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (fall storybook)—Nigig and friends explore traditional…
Starting at $4.00

Dagwaagin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (storybook)
Nigig and friends explore traditional Anishinaabe cultural activities.
Starting at $2.00

Dagwaagin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (teacher/parent)
The teacher/parent edition will help teachers and parents guide children to learn and improve their…
Starting at $2.00

Dagwaagin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (workbook)
Directed at children in grades K-5, the workbook includes coloring pages, word searches, crossword…
Starting at $1.50

The bilingual Dibaajimowinan: Anishinaabe Stories of Culture and Respect, provides another valuable…
Starting at $10.00

Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu
This Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu (Menu) provides a framework to integrate indigenous and…
Starting at $0.00

Fish: Keeping Fish Safe for Your Family and Community brochure
The Ojibwe have always lived on and around waters abundant with fish.
Starting at $0.00

Fishery Status Update
This report provides an objective statement about the rights reserved by the Ojibwe Indians, the…
Starting at $0.00

Fishery Status Update 2013
Walleye and Wisconsin have become almost synonymous over the years as the state's numerous lakes…
Starting at $0.00

Ganawenindiwag Working with plant relatives to heal and protect Gichigami shorelines
Ganawenindiwag (they take care of each other) empowers users to grow, promote, and use plants…
Starting at $0.00

Gichi-amikozow | Stories of the Swimmers: A Ningaabii'anong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Gidakiiminaan Atlas
The language atlas includes 30 individual maps depicting the Ojibwe language name for geographic…
Starting at $0.00

Giigoonyag | Stories of the Swimmers: A Ningaabii'anong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Giiwedinong Coloring Book
A coloring book for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the…
Starting at $0.00

Giiwedinong Supplemental Materials
A supplement for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the Flyers
Starting at $0.00

Gijigijigaaneshiinh | Stories of the Flyers: A Giiwedinong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Growing Up Ojibwe: Spearfishing Adventures
This sequel takes you through the numerous steps involved in treaty spearfishing.
Starting at $2.00

Inawendiwin poster
Through an innovative partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this…
Starting at $0.00

Lac Courte Oreilles v Voigt Decision
This 40th anniversary commemorative poster of the Lac Courte Oreilles v Voigt Decision details…
Starting at $0.00

Lead Contamination: Keep Lead OUT of our Traditionally Harvested Foods!
Lead fragments from ammunition can also be found in the animal remains after field dressing.
Starting at $0.00

Lead Free for You & Your Family! poster
Lead is a heavy metal commonly used in gun ammunition and occasionally in solder to repair maple…
Starting at $0.00

Lead Free for You and Your Family
Lead is a heavy metal that is commonly used in gun ammunition and occasionally in solder used to…
Starting at $0.00

Ma'iingan | Stories of the Four-Legged: A Waabanong book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Makwa | Stories of the Four-legged: A Waabanong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Manoomin brochure
Starting at $0.00

Manoomin kid's activity booklet
Today is a perfect day for manoominikewin (wild ricing). Follow along as we show you the various…
Starting at $0.00

Manoominikeyaang | Stories of the Plants: A Zhaawanong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Mazinibaganjigan is the art of making pictures or patterns on birch bark using careful bites of the…
Starting at $0.00

Metallic Mineral Mining: The Process & the Price
This booklet provides an overview of metallic mining by describing its stages and their associated…
Starting at $0.00

Mikinaak | Stories of the Swimmers: A Ningaabii'anong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Mikwendamang ishkweyaang, Niigaan inaabidaa "When we remember the past, let's look to the future"
Woodland style dancing has made a comeback on the powwow scene.
Starting at $0.00

Minjimendandaa gaa-gikinoo’amaagoowiziyang “Let’s keep in mind what we have been taught”
Ojibwe artist Sarah Howes of the Fond du Lac Band created this year’s poster in hopes of inspiring…
Starting at $0.00

Mino Wiisinidaa! Let's Eat Good cookbook
This cookbook includes recipes featuring traditional Anishinaabe foods that support a healthy…
Starting at $11.00

mino-wiiji'idiwin (being together peacefully)
Inspired by the vast biodiversity found in her Lac Courte Oreilles homelands, Ojibwe artist Jessica…
Starting at $2.50

Minwaajimo—Telling a Good Story: Preserving Ojibwe Treaty Rights for the Past 25 Years
Minwaajimo means "telling a good story," and in this case it is the story of GLIFWC member tribes'…
Starting at $10.00

Muskellunge Safe Eating Guide
GLIFWC'S Wisconsin Ceded Territory guidance for musky consumption
Starting at $0.00

Niibin language bundle
Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (summer storybook)—Nigig and friends explore traditional…
Starting at $4.00

Niibin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (storybook)
Nigig and friends explore traditional Anishinaabe cultural activities, working together to garden,…
Starting at $2.00

Niibin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (teacher/parent)
The teacher/parent edition will help teachers and parents guide children in learning and improving…
Starting at $2.00

Niibin Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (workbook)
Directed at children in grades K-5, the workbook includes coloring pages, word search, crossword…
Starting at $1.50

Ningaabii'anong Coloring Book
A coloring book for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the…
Starting at $0.00

Ningaabii'anong Supplemental Materials
A supplement for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the…
Starting at $0.00

Nisayenyiminaan (Our Older Brother)
Nisayenyiminaan [nih-sa-YAY-nim-i-NAHN] Our Older Brother
Starting at $0.00

Ogaa (Walleye) Consumption Advice
It is recommended to limit the number of ogaa servings eaten per month due to mercury in these fish…
Starting at $0.00

Ogichidaa classroom materials
These materials to support the use of the Ogichidaa Storytellers Videos in
Starting at $0.00

Ojibwe Journeys: Treaties, Sandy Lake, & The Waabanong Run
This book explores key events in the history of Ojibwe people in the greater Lake Superior region.
Starting at $8.00

Ojibwe mittens
Starting at $0.00

Ojiig'anung (Fisher Star Constellation) poster
With the emergence of summertime in Ojibwe Country, the Fisher, or Ojiig, constellation—appears…
Starting at $2.50

GLIFWC's 2017 poster features the artwork of Fond du Lac artist Sarah Agaton Howes.
Starting at $0.00

Opichi | Stories of the Flyers: A Giiwedinong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Quilled Necklace
Starting at $0.00

Safe Food Preservation & Botulism poster
Few things can match the rewarding feeling and security of preserving nutritious traditional foods…
Starting at $0.00

Safely Harvesting Whitefish and Walleye poster
The Ojibwe have always lived on and around waters abundant with fish.
Starting at $0.00

Sandy Lake Tragedy & Memorial brochure
President Taylor's 1850 removal order had failed. Nevertheless, Ramsey and Indian Sub-agent John…
Starting at $0.00

Spearing through the ice activity book
This is the latest kid’s treaty rights activity booklet. Follow a young Anishinaabe boy as he grows…
Starting at $0.00

Sulfide Mining: The Process and the Price
This publication's intent is to enhance the reader's understanding of the threats posed by sulfide…
Starting at $0.00

Timeline of Anishinaabe Treaty Rights in the Northern Great Lakes
Throughout history, many events and people have impacted the exercise of Anishinaabe treaty rights.
Starting at $2.50
Tommy Sky Coloring & Activity Book
This coloring and activity book will keep you busy for hours counting in Ojibwe, coloring, making…
Starting at $2.00

Traditionally Harvested Plants & Produce
Starting at $0.00

Traditionally Harvested Plants poster
Gathering plants, herbs, berries, mushrooms, hazelnuts, and other forms of produce has always been…
Starting at $0.00

Treaties of 1836, 1837, 1842, 1854, and 1855
Ojibwe (called Chippewa by the United States Government) and Ottawa land cessions to the United…
Starting at $0.00

Tribal Great Lakes Restoration
This publication features the success stories of how tribes have been key contributors to the…
Starting at $0.00

Tribal Wildlife & Habitat Accomplishments
In the Midwest Region, more than 35 tribes and tribal organizations manage a land base greater than…
Starting at $0.00

Venison: Keeping Venison Safe from Field to Plate
Starting at $0.00

Waabanong Coloring Book
A coloring book for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the…
Starting at $0.00

Waabanong Supplemental Materials
A supplement for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the Four-…
Starting at $0.00

Waabii | Stories of the Four-legged: A Waabanong Book
A storybook in the Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) series. For ages 0-5.
Starting at $0.00

Waawaashkeshi Wiiyaas (Venison)
Venison is a safe and healthy treaty-reserved traditional food served at home and feasts.
Starting at $0.00
Where the River is Wide: Pahquahwong and the Chippewa Flowage
This book looks at historical events as they occurred in the Chippewa Flowage.
Starting at $8.00

Zhaawanong Coloring Book
A coloring book for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the…
Starting at $0.00

Zhaawanong Supplemental Materials
A supplement for the series Maajii-Ojibwemowag (They Begin to Speak Ojibwe) | Stories of the Plants
Starting at $0.00

Ziigwan language bundle
Spring storybook, workbook & teacher/parent editions. https://glifwc-inwe.com/…
Starting at $4.00

Ziigwan Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (storybook)
The storybook picks up where Biboon left off. Nigig finds Makwa waking up hungry from his winter…
Starting at $2.00

Ziigwan Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (teacher/parent)
The Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak activity workbook was developed as a monolingual Ziigwan (…
Starting at $2.00

Ziigwan Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (workbook)
Directed at children in grades K-5, the workbook includes coloring pages, word search, crossword…
Starting at $1.50