Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (summer storybook)—Nigig and friends explore traditional Anishinaabe cultural activities, working together to garden harvest birch bark, and gather berries.
Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (summer workbook)—Directed at children in grades K-5, the workbook includes coloring pages, word search, crossword puzzles, and other activities to teach and strengthen the language skills of youth at different levels.
Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (summer teacher/parent)—The teacher/parent edition will help teachers and parents guide children to learn and improve their Anishinaabe language. The storybook and workbook are both monolingual in Anishinaabe only. The teacher/parent edition includes Anishinaabe plus English translations of activities and the storybook.