Biboon Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak (teacher/parent)

Price: $2.00

The Nenda-gikendamang ningo-biboonagak activity workbook was developed as a monolingual Biboong (Winter) storybook companion. Many of the answers to the activities can be found within the storybook, as the learner follows the storyline of Nigig (Otter) and Waagosh (Fox) and their endeavors to go spearing fish through the ice (akwa`waawin). While they make their way to the frozen lake, Nigig and Waagosh meet up with several of their friends—Bizhiw (lynx), Ma`iingan (Wolf), and Gijigaaneshii (Chickadee). Nigig and Waagosh learn about making snowshoes, the snow snake game, cooperation, sharing, and being grateful.



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