
GLIFWC essentials

Mazina'igan cover image

Mazina'igan (Takling Paper) is a quarterly publication talking about treaty issues, treaty resource…

Starting at $0.00

Plant book cover
Plants Used by the Great Lakes Ojibwa

This book includes a brief description of the plant and its use, a reproduced line drawing, and a…

Starting at $22.00

A Guide to Understanding Ojibwe Treaty Rights

This guide contains pertinent treaties, discusses the nature of treaty rights, provides historical…

Starting at $3.00

Minwaajimo—Telling a Good Story: Preserving Ojibwe Treaty Rights for the Past 25 Years

Minwaajimo means "telling a good story," and in this case it is the story of GLIFWC member tribes'…

Starting at $10.00

Ogichidaa Storytellers Cover
Ogichidaa classroom materials

These materials to support the use of the Ogichidaa Storytellers Videos in

Starting at $0.00

Ojibwe Journeys
Ojibwe Journeys: Treaties, Sandy Lake, & The Waabanong Run

This book explores key events in the history of Ojibwe people in the greater Lake Superior region.

Starting at $8.00

Sandy Lake brochure
Sandy Lake Tragedy & Memorial brochure

President Taylor's 1850 removal order had failed. Nevertheless, Ramsey and Indian Sub-agent John…

Starting at $0.00

Timeline poster
Timeline of Anishinaabe Treaty Rights in the Northern Great Lakes

Throughout history, many events and people have impacted the exercise of Anishinaabe treaty rights.

Starting at $2.50

Treaties of 1836, 1837, 1842, 1854, and 1855

Ojibwe (called Chippewa by the United States Government) and Ottawa land cessions to the United…

Starting at $0.00