Traditional Foods

2025 calendar
2025 Manoomin Calendar

Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).

Starting at $0.50

wild rice poster
Ikwewag Oganawendaanaawaa Manoomin

Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).

Starting at $2.50

manoomin coloring
Manoomin coloring page

Anishinaabe women are the original caretakers of manoomin (wild rice).

Starting at $0.00

Mazina'igan cover image

Mazina'igan (Takling Paper) is a quarterly publication talking about treaty issues, treaty resource…

Starting at $0.00

Botulism: Reducing the risk of deadly bacteria when canning and vacuum sealing foods

Preserving traditional foods to eat and share later in the year is one of the hallmark activities…

Starting at $0.00

Fish brochure page 1
Fish: Keeping Fish Safe for Your Family and Community brochure

The Ojibwe have always lived on and around waters abundant with fish.

Starting at $0.00

Lead Poster
Lead Free for You and Your Family

Lead is a heavy metal that is commonly used in gun ammunition and occasionally in solder used to…

Starting at $0.00

Wild Rice brochure
Manoomin brochure

Starting at $0.00

Traditional Foods cookbook
Mino Wiisinidaa! Let's Eat Good cookbook

This cookbook includes recipes featuring traditional Anishinaabe foods that support a healthy…

Starting at $11.00

Safe Eating Guide to mercury in Muskellunge
Muskellunge Safe Eating Guide

GLIFWC'S Wisconsin Ceded Territory guidance for musky consumption

Starting at $0.00

Safely Harvesting Whitefish & Walleye
Safely Harvesting Whitefish and Walleye poster

The Ojibwe have always lived on and around waters abundant with fish.

Starting at $0.00

Traditionally Harvested Plants poster
Traditionally Harvested Plants poster

Gathering plants, herbs, berries, mushrooms, hazelnuts, and other forms of produce has always been…

Starting at $0.00

Waawaashkeashi Wiiyaas
Waawaashkeshi Wiiyaas (Venison)

Venison is a safe and healthy treaty-reserved traditional food served at home and feasts.

Starting at $0.00